

It is recommended to attend a workshop, watch the DVD “Biology of Perception/Psychology of Change” and read The Missing Piece Peace In Your Life, By Rob Williams, M.A., prior to attending the workshop or a private session. By doing this, you will have the highest level of preparation for the workshop or private session. This allows your session time to be more focused on the results you seek rather than explaining or understanding the process we’ll be using.

Recommended Resources

Bruce Lipton & RobWilliams Retreat
View DVD free (full 2 hours 10 minutes) online at:

Rob Williams presentation of DVD (required prior to first session, length is 73 minutes)

Beacon Associates Workshops & books can be purchased from this website.


“Belief creats the actual fact.”
- William James, Psychologist

“When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate.”
- Carl Jung, Psychologist

Recent examples of projects

StartUp topics can range from:

Avoidance of a situation
Acceptance of changes
Expand spiritual connection
Greater self-confidence
Reduce health concerns
Resolve relationship difficulties
Other focus areas

If you choose to invest 100% focus with your personal list to replace old programs and habits by using these simple yet powerful processes of change, schedule a private one-on-one session.  These sessions are scheduled usually for one hour during the day, Saturday and Sunday.

My hours are: Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm | Sunday 10:00am – 4:00pm

Private Sessions are 50 - 60 minutes.  The initial private session is approximately 75 minutes and includes a brief discussion about:

The flow and specifics of the session are customized to each individual based on:
- Conscious discussion of the specific focus area
- Subconscious choice(s)
- Superconscious permission and guidance

Then I will guide you through the PSYCH-K® transformation process starting with a brief explanation of the steps.

The Process

1. Schedule the appointment time with me
2. Financial arrangements are agreed to
3. You arrive at the agreed to time, call designated phone number, or contact online
4. Express what you want to have as the focus for balancing
5. Balancing process is guided by me and completed by you

You are responsible for committing to taking action to support the new subconscious beliefs and for observing what you notice as different as a result of the session. Contact me to get started with a private session and experience the difference in your life.

Private Session Intake Form

Many people quite understandably imagine that the PSYCH-K® Centre decides where to hold PSYCH-K® Workshops and sends Instructors out to teach them. And, that’s not the way it works. I

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